We believe in the innocence of Hagyó Miklós. That being said, the aim of this website is not an attempt to impose our belief upon anyone, but rather to offer access to the documentary evidence which, we believe, speaks for itself. The case of Hagyó Miklós is very complex: After the inspection of thousands of documents and after the hearings of many suspects, the court will in due time make a decision about the accusations against Hagyó Miklós and his former colleagues. Until then, this bilingual website serves as an evidentiary depository where interested parties can easily obtain primary and secondary sources of case-related information. This website has grown out of the tiresome endurance of consistently biased media using the case of Hagyó Miklós and his associates as political tools at both ends of the political spectrum.  Within this site, we intentionally refrain from personal commentary so the readership has clear communication with the facts.

Contact us!

Our website is not yet complete and it’s under continuous development. If you find any mistakes, please do not hesitate to write us. We are certainly open to advice, ideas, and/or thoughts connected to the case. In the left side of the page, under the Contacts, you can send letter to us. We will forward your incoming e-mails to the indicated person, including Mr. Hagyó Miklós, who will reply to the best of his ability. With regard to communicating to the press, it is our strategy to let these primary and secondary case-related sources serve as our response to questions.  Therefore, we regretfully inform anybody representing the media that we cannot answer your inquiries!

The most important documents will be translated and those will be available in the website soon.

If someone wants to read more documents about this case, then please contact us and we will send you the English version of the document.


Vádbeszéd Kecskeméten 


- Első nap

- Második nap

- Harmadik nap

Fővárosi Ítélőtáblának

a Fővárosi Törvényszék útján                                        




Markó utca 27. szám


1 0 5 5



Hivatkozási szám: 31.B.2542/2013.



Tisztelt Ítélőtábla!


A bíróság

Originally, the trial of former Budapest Deputy Mayor Miklós Hagyó and the other 14 associates of the Budapest Transit Company (BKV) was to be held in Hungary’s capital, Budapest. This changed, however, and since the trial’s commencement on June13, 2012 the Kecskemét Tribunal has managed the proceedings.


Why is this important?


Unlike Budapest, which is the most sympathetic city towards opposing politics in Hungary, Kecskemét

and other smaller cities comprise of Fidesz loyalists. The primary significance therefore is the perceived

Here you can view the original indictment related to the trial of Miklós Hagyó and the other associates

of the Budapest Transit Company (BKV). Since the debut of the trial, the prosecution has altered the

charges and other information which make up the indictment. Unfortunately, this most up-to-date

version is still not available. Nevertheless, the original charges and the prosecution’s general theory can

be viewed.



The most important documents will be translated and those will be available in the website soon.

If someone wants to read more documents about this case, then please write an e-mail to the info@hagyomiklos.com and we will send you the English version of the document.

Miklós Hagyó endured nine months of Hungarian jail prior to the beginning of the trial. The prosecutors and the signatory authority Judge Mária Szívós determined the jail time was necessary to prevent Hagyó from fleeing Hungary as the criminal process progressed to the trial. They claimed to have a substantial amount of evidence which necessitated the jail time. After numerous requests from Hagyó’s lawyer to provide the evidence, none has ever been presented to Hagyó, to his lawyer, or to the public.

