Defendant III Attila Antal's Segmented Testimony from September 25 and September 27, 2012

Detail form the testimony of Attila Antal III. acused, at Kecskemét Tribunal on the 25th and 27th of September 2012:


The court of Attila Antal III trial. r. interrogating defendants resume.

The court called for



(personal data)


For the question of the Council President III. accused stated that he understood the charges.

III. accused defense counsel requests that the court repeatedly has his protégé to make a statement, if he would contribute to that,  picture and audio recording to be made of him at the hearing, considering that a large number of media representatives present in the courtroom.


To the question of the Council President III. accused:


I maintain my previous statement, and I don't consent to make audio or video recordings of me.


Council President repeatedly communicated with the representatives of the press, that in the absence of III. accused contribution, that to make recordings of his sound and face is still forbidden.


III. accused:


Partially I admit my culpability, I admit in connection with Optimismo Ltd., but with other contracts and accusations not.


Otherwise I do not wish to take advantage of the possibility written in Cp. 288. § of (3) paragraph, in my testimony I  will make detailed clarifications of the accusation.


The Council President warns III. accused, that he is not required to testify, his testifying, or to answer certain questions during the interrogation at any time he can refuse, but anytime he may decide to testify, even if previously he refused to confess; what he says, or make available, could be used as evidence. During the evidence procedure he may ask questions to the interrogated, can make comments and proposals. If the accused does not give evidence as the accused's previous testimony be revealed or readable. Without disturbing the order of the trial can be in continuous contact with defense counsel during the trial, but during interrogation can only do so with the permission of the Council President.


III. accused:


I understood the warning. I wish to testify.


The Council President warns III. accused, that in his testimony with committing crime can't accuse others falsely.


III. accused:


I understood the warning.





III. accused, about his personal and financial circumstances states the following:


I have Engineer and professional economist, Europe expert qualification, currently I work at the Budapest Enterprise Research Nonprofit Ltd. as research director, my gross monthly income is 270,000 HUF. I am married and have four children, three of them are already adults, one is under-aged, one of the adult is at university therefore in need of support, we support them together with my spouse. My movable and immovable property status and regards of my debts, I maintain my confession what I said during the investigation. I have no criminal record, currently there is no other criminal proceedings pending against me.


The coherent testimony of III. accused:


I am in a difficult situation, I must live through those years, the years of 2007-2008-2010-2011. The years of 2007-2008 passed by to test my strength as the CEO of BKV I worked on that together with my colleagues, to improve the efficiency of the capital's largest enterprise, to optimize the possibilities of public transport. I had no more important tasks during this period. There is a lot of work in it, a lot of fatigue, a lot of difficulties, a lot of discussion, a lot of argument. It is also difficult to talk about the years of 2010-2011. This was the period when they accused me, limited my freedom, and got into a situation, into which I have never been in my life, I was never at the police, I have not been prosecuted and to be suspected with hundreds of millions misappropriation management, accusing me, it was unusual for me. The media at that time already has finally convicted me and my colleagues. But until the date of my suspicion it had not occurred to me, that I will ever be a suspect in perhaps one of the biggest trial in this country,  that I'll be in the middle of the BKV lawsuit.  Because I was sure that the work we have carried out, we have done, is useful, the company headed in the right direction, and there were a series of decisions of what we can be proud of.  Later on, in some places it has been demonstrated, to this I'd also like to make detailed clarifications in my testimony, however no one cared about this work,  this result during the investigation, the essence was that BKV to make the biggest fuss if it's possible. When I made my investigative testimony, I had nothing in my hand, I was nervous and tense, I didn't understand why they interrogated me as a suspect in connection with such contracts, which I've done with the best of my knowledge, it is true that to most of them I don't remember exactly. Even then I've told to my interrogators, that I am available in everything and I answer all their questions which is related to my work, because I did everything during my work as long as my health allowed it. For this however, no one was interested. The authority may in fact wanted to hear from me about rolling forints, Miklós Hagyó, Ernő Mesterházy and Gábor Demszky. In my testimony after the day of my detention, they've made me aware of this with that if I cannot meet their expectations, I will be in pre-trial detention for a long time. All this, of course, they did not state in the presence of my lawyers, but when they brought me in for interrogation. It was a constant use of the word "Hagyó", "Mesterházy", they used these words for the circle in which I have worked in the previous period. The whole work fell apart in front of my very eyes, that part of my life, I invested into this, within a few moments, during lessons.  I became insecure, because as a manager, I knew exactly that in the past, during the years I have made thousands of decisions, I have signed hundreds of papers, years after anytime it can be drawn another case, or another document, what happened to it, why did I decide this or that way. I was sure that I didn't make mistakes, but I can tell you, I got scared. Already during the interrogation on the first day, I saw in the building of the Budapest Police Headquarters that the police colleagues followed the events on the internet. I was thinking of what would happen if this continues, they will accuse me with more and more contracts, I'm going to go to jail for a long time and a long time is needed before someone to understand what I'm talking about. The fact that during my investigative testimony the reality didn't interested anyone, it also shows, that on the 26th of January 2010 I made a detailed statement about what I did at the BKV as a result, that I was taken into custody, and informed me, that if I won't be co-operating, for many months, or even for years I will be in pre-trial detention, and each week they will accuse me with contracts.

I said that I am not aware about any rolling forint, but they warned me, that this means that I defend Hagyó and his companions, and with this I just bring myself to a helpless position, and I will be in pre-trial detention. That this won't happen, I let the emphasis to be placed elsewhere during recording of the Minutes. Instead of a proposal instructed, instead of information reporting to be recorded in the minutes, thus satisfied with the expectations. It's easy to say, and now from here I say the same, that it was a mistake of course. I tell everyone to evaluate this in that way, if in such a process has gone through. On the first day, my blood pressure went up to the sky, that day I could not take my meds. The overnight stays at Gyorskocsi St. my mind developed in my consciousness, that my heart is not going to make it. I've had that feeling, I almost killed myself once at the BKV, because the problems of my heart I was hospitalized for weeks, surgeries, sanatorium. I felt like I was floating between life and death, and I will not make it. The fact that to be closed for years, to hold me in detention, I know I'm not going to make it. Physically I felt threatened. Obviously I don't have to inform the Honourable Court about what happens in Gyorskocsi jail, what are the conditions, but I have to say frankly I've been terrified. Simply I just didn't know where I was, how I got here, and I just didn't know my physical being  I could not see my future. As a result, sentences were a recorded, with which I put my accused fellow colleagues in a difficult situation, from them here and now, I apologize for that.


After my accusation, spectacularly I was in an unstable state, I've got a promise that I can keep my job, my freedom, I can work if I will be cooperating. The work is very important to me, given the fact that I can't work, then I can't support my family. I do not know from what to live from, it is unacceptable to me. Freedom floated before my eyes, that how can I reach to be free, I moved towards freedom during my detention. Obviously the psychic traces of this have not passed, after my detention for months, during the period of the coercive measures I received continuous psychiatric treatment, which does not mean that I was insane, it's not that, it was a pressure on me this time, certainly needed help, what until now I only read in newspaper that something like this exists.


The first three days of my confession went along, they went through each paragraph of my statement, and allegedly they sent it to the prosecution, whether it is enough for my release. In this case I try to meet. In this connection, I would like to say that the reality is what I will tell before the court and the public. In the hope of my freedom my defense counsel on the 28th made that proposal, to receive residential ban, as I've been promised for that. I really wanted to continue my work in Tatabánya, I really liked that work, and those people too. Under my house arrest I received continuous feedback that my release is close once I cooperate. So when a person who is not experienced in criminal law, and I'm not, can choose between prison and freedom, doesn't consider that what will be in court, wants to be released. Before my eyes liberty is floated, I wanted to get out. Therefore, I made statements in my testimony, what the authority is expected of me. Therefore, regarding my testimony the investigative and now before the court, I tell that those parts of my investigative testimony which are contrary to my testimony before this Court, is no longer to be maintained.